About Next Generation Training
Next Generation Training is a quality training provider of affordable accredited qualifications specialising in sector training for security, hospitality, retail and warehousing in Scotland.
Approved by several awarding bodies and with over 20 years’ experience in the training industry, we have links with many employers in each of these sectors and work with businesses looking to upskill existing staff as well as supporting recruitment. Employability training is included in some packages where participants need help with softer skills to secure and sustain employment.
Next Generation Training is an equal opportunities and Living Wage employer with the Disability Confident standard. We are ISO 9001:2015 approved and a registered member of the Scottish Business Pledge. All these kitemarks are in line with our mission as a provider of ‘Training you can trust.’
Meet the Team

Kirsty Briggs
Prior to setting up Next Generation Training and becoming Director of RPL, Kirsty Briggs MCIPD spent 15 years as COO and Head of HR at a multi-national training company specialising in employability and sector skills. She has over 10 years’ experience in the achievement and sustainment of the ISO 9001, Investors in People and OHSAS 18001/ISO 45001 occupational health and safety standards.
Add to this, the fact that Kirsty has worked with a variety of stakeholders, including Skills Development Scotland and the Department of Work and Pensions, as well as the Scottish Qualifications Authority and other awarding bodies such as BIIAB, Highfield and REHIS and you start to see the power this lady could bring to your business table.
Kirsty is qualified in employment law, human resources, management, ISO 9001 lead auditing, H&S and safeguarding and benefits from MCIPD Chartered Member status. To say that she is highly driven and focused on your success is an understatement.
Connect with Kirsty to get access to her knowledge and her extensive team.

John Brown
Non-Executive Director
John has been in the employability and skills sector since 2010. He holds various executive positions and joined Next Generation Training as a Non-Executive Director in January 2020. John’s roles in the company are to support our business development and enable more people to transform their lives through gaining, sustaining, and developing in employment.

May Trousdale
Quality Assurance Manager
May has worked in the Training Industry for 22 years starting as a qualified Trainer Assessor and Internal Verifier delivering a variety of SVQ’s at various levels. For the last 7 years May has been a Quality & Compliance manager working with numerous Awarding Bodies and Funding partners including Skills Development Scotland.

Eddie Briggs
Eddie Briggs is a qualified and experienced sector trainer specialising in security, personal licensing, Health and Safety and First Aid. He has been delivering sector training for the last 10 and a half years across Scotland and the North of England and is approved by several awarding bodies including REHIS, Highfield, BIIAB and SQA.
Eddie is also experienced in delivering formal employability units and informal sessions to help candidates work out what jobs they want to do and how to plan to get there whether through qualifications or apprenticeships etc. Quite often he helps candidates secure work experience, find jobs and prepare them for interview.
Coming from a security background and as a 6ft 8” ex-rugby player he looks every inch your typical security trainer. He travels across Scotland to deliver training and has also delivered some qualifications in England.
The other thing about Eddie is that he always gets very positive reports from both customers and awarding bodies. He’s literally never had a bad one – and he likes to remind Kirsty of this on a regular basis!

Kenny Young
Kenny is a qualified and experienced sector trainer specialising in Hospitality and Food Hygiene.
He has been delivering sector training for over 20 years across the UK through awarding bodies including City &Guilds, SQA and REHIS.

James Young
Qualification Co-Ordinator
James, a new addition to our growing team, is our Qualification Co-ordinator. James has a background and qualifications in games development and more recently completed a Business and Administration Modern Apprenticeship before joining Next Generation Training. James is the main contact for most customers when booking courses and he registers the results and certificates of candidates.

Suzie Larcombe
Communication Consultant
Suzie, of suzielarcombe.com is our Communication Consultant. Guiding us with our on and offline communication, Suzie keeps our website content, social media and brochures on point, fresh and relevant.